Sunday 16 December 2007

Our Fab Music DVDs

Blast Off Production Company are pleased to announce that their dvds are completed and we have a limited number of unique designs. I hope you are lucky enough to find one in your stocking!

A Spaceman Came Travelling

Creating a unique music video for Chris De Burgh's Christmas song - A Spaceman Came Travelling- gave no cause for concern for the creative minds at Blast Off Production Company. They quickly employed the services of some artists to produce a range of pictures to go with the song.The video is nearly completed and will be available in time for Christmas!

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Some Super Stories!

Blast Off Production Company have successfully launched their new set of Super Stories this week, just in time for Christmas.
The team is currently working on a Christmas video for Chris de Burgh's A Spaceman came Travelling.

Saturday 24 November 2007

Blast-Off Production Company

After being commissioned by Orion Books, Blast-Off Production Company started work producing a new set of children's books. With characters like Clumsy Claire and Sulky Susan, the books are sure to be a hit with children.

A fly on the wall - watching a famous author generate alliterative names. Click on the photo to play on the official Horrid Henry site.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Our Speciality Chocolates

Hard working hands!

Mmmm ... scrumptious chocolates!

Friday 2 November 2007

A curious visitor!

A curious visitor arrived at the Chocolatier's temporary premises in London, claiming to have a unique chocolate. He also claimed that he was 'Le Premier Chocolatier en Belgique'. We had a little trouble understanding him, as his English was very poor and our French was not so good either.
Our Quality Control department tasted these chocolates and thought that they tasted vaguely spicy.
It appeared to be a 'Marmite' type of chocolate - one of our QC personel loved it, the other hated it. We later found out that the chocolate had been stolen and was made from a secret recipe, which included mustard!

The visit inspired our employees to create their own speciality chocolates, with special, secret ingredients.

Thursday 4 October 2007

Our Heroes!

Well, after our Chocolatier burnt down - due to machines being left on and overheating - our employees received some special training from some local firefighters. Firefighters Evan and Aaron taught us all how to respond in emergencies and showed us important safety techniques like STOP, DROP and ROLL. We have made some fire safety posters for our new shop, and will be carrying out checks at the end of the day to make sure we are free from hazards.

Monday 17 September 2007

The Chocolatier

Tradgedy struck the Chocolatier this week when it burnt down, much to the shock and amazement of the gathering crowds! The fire brigade found that the cause of the fire was a machine that had been left on all night, which had overheated. However, they also found many other hazards that could also cause a serious fire. Can you spot them?

After realising that it was an accident, the insurance company have paid the company enough money to rebuild the existing shop, or buy new premises. After considering the options and doing our research, the company have decided to find new premises in London. We hope that the tourists will boost our sales, especially if we can create some patriotic chocolates!

A new beginning!

We've had a busy beginning to the term and have made the most of the glorious weather by having some lessons outside. We looked at less well known work of Van Gogh, such as 'Undergrowth', studying his style and brush strokes. We then spent some time around our wildlife area, using view finders and sketching trees and plants. Back in the classroom, we used our sketches to help create our paintings. They're rather good don't you think!