Thursday 17 January 2008

Welcome to the A.R.C.

The ARC (Asian elephant Rescue Centre) has had some tough decisions to make over the last few days. Although it largely escaped the terrible cyclone that hit the Sundarbans at the end of last year, it has a lot of minor repairs to do. Some of the fencing around the centre has been damaged and there are repairs to buildings and enclosures that need to be made. Fortunately no elephants have been hurt, although one escaped through the damaged fencing and is yet to be found.

After receiving an urgent phone call, staff made the decision to try to track down a Royal Bengal Tiger that had been shot by a local villager. Although this was not a popular decision with all the employees, the majority wanted to help this endangered creature. However, when the drivers went out with their guides they hit another problem - the maps were inaccurate. They had to return to the centre to collect more recent maps of the local area of the Sundarbans forest, so that they could find the best route to the villages where the tiger was last seen.

This story was published in a national newspaper, which is great publicity for the ARC.