Wednesday 27 February 2008

Prince John's crime scene investigators!

Another crime has been committed in the forest and the crime scene investigators were quick to call on a number of witnesses. After a lady-in-waiting proved to be quite an unreliable witness, seemingly only noticing the pilferer's bright blue eyes, we had to call on the horseman and Ma'lady to give further evidence.

Whilst the horseman provided some interesting information, the Lady proved again to be quite unhelpful. Her account seemed to contradict the horseman's and she terminated the interview before we were ready, claiming to have more important things to do!

We have found out that their were a few men in this gang, mostly wearing brown and green. The main one may have been wearing a hat with a feather in it and seemed like a good shot with a bow and arrow.
Wanted posters have been placed in all nearby villages and throughout the castle grounds.

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